Planet Order 2 from the Sun
Distance From the Sun: 108.2 km
Mass: 0.82 Earths Diameter: 12,104
Rotation: 243 days Revolution: 224.7 days
# of Moons Noun Terrestrial or Jovian (cross out the wrong one)
Planet Description
Venus is surrounded by a dense atmosphere and cloud. You can only use the radio telescopes to see through the layer of the atmosphere. Venus's surface temperature as high as 485 Celsius degree to 465 Celsius degree. Some scientists called Venus is the Earth's "sister" planet because they have the similar size, radius, and volume. People think that Venus doesn't have water but in fact there is water inside of the Venus's magma. Just because the surface of Venus is too hot that then causes the water evaporated out.
2 Intersting Facts
- Venus is one of the names of Greek Goddness of love and beauty.
- Venus is the second brightly star in the solar system.
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